Web Developer - Full-time

Hi, my name is Thembi Dibotelo

Let me bring
your idea to life

A Fullstack Developer and Designer based in Botswana with a passion for aesthetics and problem solving for both Mobile and Web applications.
I make

Contact me

Check out my latest work here

My GitHub

What i do

I specialise in JavaScript and JavaScript related libraries and frameworks like React, React-Native, Next.js and Node Accommodated by other skills like UI/UX design in Figma, HTML, CSS and database design


Requirements Analysis & Design

  • Client Consultation: Gather detailed requirements from clients on application appearance and functionality
  • Design Planning: Create initial designs in Figma, either low-fidelity or high-fidelity
  • Frequent Communication: Regularly update clients to ensure all requirements are met
  • Prototyping: Develop interactive prototypes on Figma to simulate the final application


Mobile or Web Development

  • Front-End Development: Build responsive apps and websites using markup & stylesheet languages or JavaScript libraries and frameworks based on the UI design
  • Styling & Components: Utilize UI libraries like Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, or Chakra UI for styling and creating standalone reusable components
  • State Management: Manage component states efficiently using hooks and Redux
  • Backend Integration: Connect the app to the backend, ensuring security and transparency


Back-End & Database Development

  • API Development: Create RESTful APIs using Express and Node.js
  • Database Integration: Connect APIs to databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, or MongoDB
  • Security Implementation: Implement authentication and authorization on API endpoints following best practices
  • Back-End Deployment: Deploy backend applications to web service providers like Heroku or AWS


Unit & Integration Testing

  • Automated Testing: Perform automated tests on both production and test code to ensure reliability
  • Unit Testing: Conduct unit tests in isolation without external dependencies using Jasmine or Jest
  • Integration Testing: Execute integration tests involving external dependencies to verify system interactions
  • End-to-end Testing: Test application key functionality UI manually or using a testing tool (Selenium)
  • NOTE: I only Step in to conduct testing when no dedicated tester is available to ensure application security and reliability
illustration of SEO optimization>
                <a class=Illustrations by Storyset


App & SEO Optimisation

  • Performance Optimization: Optimize modules, components, and media (images, videos) for different screen sizes and devices
  • Production Build: Use build tools to minimize app size and enhance performance for production
  • Search Engine Optimization: Implement SEO strategies to ensure your app is easily indexed by search engines in case there is no dedicated SEO expert
  • Deployment & Maintenance: Deploy the app and provide ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance and updates

My Designs & Projects

"You can never build a good and quality product without a well planned and organised design and project", here is a list of all my projects and designs that I have worked on

latest project
BHC hackathon app

BHC - BHC 2024 hackathon competitions for a custom app

Plug uber app

Plug - A mockup design for a cab app in South Africa

Molapo Crossing Website

Molapo Crossing Mall - Website for a mall in Gaborone

Mockup portfolio design Botswana Police Service

BPS - A Web Design concept for Botswana Police Service

Mockup portfolio design for bar restaurant

Main Deck - Web Design concept for my Bar restaurant in Gaborone

Gloo Website

Gloo - Website for a film and marketing company

Madamz BNB Website

Madamz BNB - Website for booking rooms in Gaborone

Mockup portfolio design for local Gym

Jacks Gym - Web Design concept for a local gym in Gaborone

Mockup portfolio design for a freelance developer
Website Mockup

Thembi Dibotelo - Private portfolio for a freelance developer

Mockup design for a cloud hosting company
Website Mockup

Moshified - A website for a makeup cloud hosting company

Rotary Okavango Club Website

Rotary Okavango - NGO club that enhances leadership

My Clients & Partners

From my time working with different clients during my work to my time freelancing for private businesses, organisations, individuals and friends, here is a list of all my well know clients and partners

My Notes

Do you wanna become a good web developer and develop websites similar or better to mine? I have shared my notes on HTML & CSS tips and tricks to becoming an outstanding web developer - Your welcome 😉


Don't just take my word for it, here from people I have worked with like my clients, employers, colleagues and friends about my work and their experience working with me

Kay Chapi

Mr Thembi Dibotelo has provided excellent work and service towards the company. His very creative when it comes to UI, quick to learn, always contributing towards implementing new ideas and tools, good communication skills with clients and always eager to learn. I'm greatful for his contribution.

Founder & Manager - Gloo

Mamello Seisa

Mamello Seisa

I really love his designs, there always well made and stand out among the rest. We worked together during our time at UB in a design course and the way he comes up with his designs he makes it looks easy, I would surely bet on him

Data Analyst

Wangu Philip

Wangu Philip

I had the pleasure of working with Thembi on several projects, and I am consistently impressed by his exceptional skills and dedication. Thembi always delivers high-quality work on time, and his collaborative approach makes him a valuable team member.

Software Developer

Check out my blog where I talk about my work and experience
